Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why blog?

Blogging has been like my flirtation with the gym. Every once in a while I look at myself in the mirror and see curves where there should be none and I realize that my body is growing older and fatter. I hook up with a friend, discover a moderately priced gym close by and pay my membership for one whole year, completely convinced that I am going to see this through, defy gravity and have all the fat that has been hanging down worked into well shaped muscle.

I go to the gym for one whole week very religiously at my scheduled time. And then something happens, completely avoidable and insignificant, and I call up my friend telling him (it is always a him, and now I wonder if things would be different if it is a her) that I cannot make it to the gym. This happens a couple of times in week two and by the end of that week I am convinced that the gym and me are not meant for each other.

Blogging, or writing for that matter, has had a similar relationship with me. Every once in a while I see how my career is affected by gravity and realize that I am mentally becoming older and must do something 'different and creative'. And a friend (and this time it is always a her) convinces me that I should write. So I spend some time at my laptop actually writing, but mostly thinking about writing (if there was a device that could convert thought to words I would be an extremely prolific writer). This goes well for a week and then there is a minor interruption, and all through the second week, similar interruptions happen, and by the end of the second week all vain ambitions of winning the next Booker are lost. Maybe I should find a female gym partner and a male friend to encourage me to write!

So here I am again starting off a fresh clean blog. But do I believe it will any different this time? Yes, I do. I have begun to exercise again, no gym for me this time and no friend to exercise with. So what is my motivation? My insomnia. We shall talk about it some other time. My return to writing too has a similar motive - my insomnia. Well I must do something with all those I hours I spend in bed at nights unable to sleep other than toss and turn. So, writing shall be my activity for the nights when my insomnia keeps me awake.

So what I am going to write about? Couple of things actually with no literary ambitions -
1. My views on human society and how humans behave more like their simian ancestors today than ever before
2. My narrow understanding and biased appreciation of art with the hope that erudite people stumble upon my writing, and talk to me about things I do not know and understand

So cheers and drop by!


  1. happy blogging! seema. media matters.

  2. good start!! :-) but why the black background? my eyes hurt.


  3. This is the best cure for insomnia.

  4. I can be your female gym partner! ;) No kidding! - Chokri.

  5. I hope you continue blogging. Muchly enjoyed the posts. :)

    BTW, the poet Jeet Thayil once told me, "Sleep is the best lover" and said I was lucky that I can sleep easily and well.
